Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Become Bilingual In Italian

How To Become Bilingual In Italian How To Master Italian? ChaptersHow To Test Your Italian?MOOC Italian CoursesTake The CILS And CELI TestsHow To Work On Your Italian Accent?Nowadays, learning a language is a real challenge, which everyone takes up from school onwards. A challenge, but also a pleasure, which makes it possible to communicate with people from all around the world, but also to immerse yourself in another culture. A language other than your mother tongue is, therefore, an important tool for opening up to the world. Practising Italian is the perfect example of such a discovery.To learn Italian online and improve existing skills, you will need to work at least a little bit and go through a fair amount of resources. Because yes, what could be better than watching movies in their original version?Even if Italian is sometimes claimed to be a language of gestures (as illustrated by the 243 movements that Lilia Cavallo has gathered in a dictionary, like a real language), the fact remains that the Italian language is a very rich and di verse language!So, of course, we can wonder how to speak Italian fluently, and that's what we'll see right away! DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow To Test Your Italian?Among the things to do, when you want to learn Italian and be ableto chi chat with a native speaker from Venice, you obviously have to test your level of Italian. Thanks to simple, effective tools and supports, it is then possible to evaluate where you stand on the scale of a foreign language and to find the right exercises to progress quickly in Italian. Travelling, working, meeting people, everything is a pretext to become bilingual in Italian!Between Italian grammar rules, vocabulary, Italian phrases, verbs, pronunciation and memorization, you will know in a few tests what level you are at and how much effort you will have to put on learning this millennia-old language.But if schools reject you, language tests, such as IELTS, CLIP (the equivalent of TOEFL in English, more for professional use), or CILS (Certificate of Italian CILS from the University for Foreigners of Siena) exist and will attest to your level in Italian. For a price ranging from £100 to £160, it is then possible to know if our Italian is that of a beginner level, or more confirmed, up to bilingualism!Of course, there are also more basic solutions, such as a teacher. A private tutor will give you a more personalized assessment so that you will know how best to progress. Superprof offers this type of course, enjoy it! Finally, do not hesitate to travel, go to Italy, and talk to the locals. This is probably the best way to find out if you are bilingual, or if there is still room for improvement.Even if there are no classes at school, you can still learn Italian. (Source: Italian CoursesYou may be familiar with MOOC courses since this is the acronym for Massive Open Online Course. Sometimes known by other names such as Open Online Training (OOT), but also Open and Massive Online Courses (OMOC), MOOCs allow us to validate our foreign language skills with a certificate or not, so that we can attest to our bilingualism or not in Italian, for example!While a weekly quiz validates the progress, this type of Italian  online course, limited in time, has training objectives and themes defined by the teachers, but also by the learner. This freedom and this notion of sharing then give full meaning to MOOC courses, wh ich will make it possible to see real progress, thanks to exclusive content, and teachers who are listening!After the MOOC courses, it is, therefore, possible to master the Italian language at your fingertips, to take part in major university competitions, to move to Italy, or simply to travel in the best possible way. Because yes, what could be more stimulating than getting by in a foreign country? Not much, I'll give you that!Take Italian courses London and start learning more about Italian vocabulary, Italian culture, and improve your Italian fluency.Take The CILS And CELI TestsFrom a linguistic perspective, taking aptitude tests is often a very good idea, so that you know what your level is, or simply realize that you are bilingual, or not! In Italian, there are various tests, two of which have performed well: CILS (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera, or Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) and CELI (Certificato di conoscenza della Lingua Italiana).The C ILS is a certificate, recognised by the Italian State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which allows the learner to report on his or her Italian language skills. Born in the 16th century, and divided into four levels, it will then be easy for you to understand whether or not you are bilingual, depending on the results of the test, delimited by the common European reference framework for languages.You don't have to go to Italy to learn Italian... (Source: CELI is also a certificate of knowledge of Italian, which, helped by levels ranging from A1 to C2, determines and confirms that language learning can be transformed into bilingualism at any time, whether you are learning a new language, or whether you are almost bilingual.Note that CELI 3 is the level that allows you to enrol in an Italian school, without having to take the admission test for foreigners offered by the school.CILS and CELI in Italian are therefore quality certificates, which, in addition to tr avelling simply, allow you to open doors, professional, academic, but also personal! In an autonomous way, you will then work on your Italian without pressure, and, for a few hundred pounds for the registration, finish in style by validating your skills. Who said learning a second language was complicated?How To Work On Your Italian Accent?The Italian accent is often perceived as a particular accent, complicated to implement, and possibly difficult to learn. And yet, there are many ways and means to work on your Italian accent in a simple and effective way.Indeed, to learn how to pronounce certain syllables, to improve oral expression, and to make yourself understood in a simple way, one can think of films and series in the original Italian version. Because having fun and learning languages is possible! Let's think of works like Call me by your name, Life Is Beautiful, Gomorra, or My Brilliant Friend in the Italian language.But that's not all! Indeed, while the emphasis is on the ex tra soul of bilingualism, we can think of taking Italian lessons with a private teacher. Online, they will be able to meet all your expectations when it comes to saying a few difficult words. Superprof offers this service, don't hesitate to take a look!It is also interesting to look at new technologies, sites, and mobile applications, such as Babbel, Duolingo, LingQ, or One Wolrd Italiano, which show different techniques for perfecting your Italian, all this without going anywhere, like an online tutor. Between videos, online games, and small exercises, most often free of charge, becoming bilingual in Italian has never been so much fun!Hop over to Italy for a weekend getaway, and to practise your spoken skills Source: Pixabay Credit: Sergio GridelliOne last technique to improve your Italian accent, and gradually become bilingual, is of course to travel! Indeed, practising in the field, even if it is more expensive, is even more training than all the techniques and media mentioned ab ove. To immerse yourself in a language and culture, to work on your accent by speaking with the locals, what could be a better learning experience?Whatever your level, the Italian language is a rich language, which must be learned by different means in order to become bilingual. Knowing your level is a good basis for positioning yourself on the linguistic scale, while several supports exist to raise us and make us understand that Italian is not so complicated!

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